Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Richard Spencer

Artist, final year BA(Hons) Sculpture, eca

Concrete and computers; the future is taking place here. For us a chance to interrupt the spectacle of construction and we'll take it. Coloured lights, glossy photographs and push-buttons on screens of grey hint at a brighter future for the dark shell that climbs skyward. An army of steel jacks support each level as space is shaped by a lattice of metal bars dressed in concrete. What comes next is of most importance, but the present is distracting. The mixture is piped from a flow of trucks via towering cranes and dozens of yellow figures scurry about directing the evolution. Bodies move around the perimeter, surging then drifting as shifts, sleep, drink and lectures give way to one or the other. We can hope only to slow them for a few seconds. Monochrome provides essential information, but we crave a greater Bit depth. We often ignore shades of grey in pursuit of a little colour. Information is monotonous unless unexpected, unexpected it can govern to some degree the information of the future. My input for Onsite is born out of a fascination with human interactions and interpretations of the visual world and how these may govern what comes next.

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